I received my name in heaven, so to say the third heaven. Jesus Christ was standing at the door He held a pair of nails on his right hand and a hammer on the left hand. He greeted me by saying: " Hello Dr. Michael! are you still here? Are you not suppose to be at the surgery?", before I could answer he continued by saying: "lots of people are waiting for you." , I then replied by saying :" I'm on my way there!." As I walked to the surgery , I passed a room where Jesus Christ was going to attend a meeting with other Lord's who where dressed like him, they were sitting around the glass table preparing to start a meeting. They all stood up and greeted me one after the other saying:" Hello! Dr. Michael, Hello! Dr. Michael". I nodded my head in acknowledgment of their greetings as I proceeded on way to the surgery.
This heavenly experience was on on the 3rd June 2011 that was few weeks before the book THE MOST POWERFUL MEDITATION was published.
I received the design of the book and the colors in heaven, this also includes the central teaching on meditation contained here in this book. Profound teachings in heaven from Holy man who are also alive here on earth, also, from Jesus Christ.
More about me and the teaching is in the book.